You are looking at the HTML representation of the XML format.
HTML is good for debugging, but probably is not suitable for your application.
See complete documentation, or API help for more information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <block id="477" user="Alexmmm" by="Vadim" timestamp="2020-01-15T09:50:15Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Spamming links to external sites" nocreate="" autoblock="" />
      <block id="475" user="Birendrabonde" by="Atheneoflymington" timestamp="2016-07-25T16:48:17Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Inserting nonsense/gibberish into pages: spam" nocreate="" autoblock="" />
      <block id="469" user="Seacruiser" by="Peter McHugh" timestamp="2013-09-03T06:44:34Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Spamming links to external sites" nocreate="" autoblock="" />
      <block id="468" user="Ron" by="Istioploos" timestamp="2013-07-18T15:28:12Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Does not exist" nocreate="" />
      <block id="457" user="Fjfiorentino" by="Atheneoflymington" timestamp="2012-11-17T10:21:19Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Using Wiki to promote clients of his web design business." nocreate="" autoblock="" />
      <block id="455" user="Riley Huntley" by="Istioploos" timestamp="2012-09-26T06:20:13Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Massive trivial changes causing broken links" nocreate="" autoblock="" />
      <block id="454" user="" by="Lighthouse" timestamp="2010-12-19T19:23:48Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Rogue Bot" anononly="" nocreate="" />
      <block id="453" user="" by="Lighthouse" timestamp="2010-04-05T17:15:02Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Spammer IP" nocreate="" />
      <block id="452" user="" by="Lighthouse" timestamp="2010-03-19T14:15:12Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Spammer IP" anononly="" nocreate="" />
      <block id="451" user="" by="Lighthouse" timestamp="2010-03-19T07:03:48Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Spammer IP" anononly="" nocreate="" />
    <blocks bkstart="2010-03-03T18:52:44Z" />