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Port of Entry
37°03.861'N, 014°13.783'E Chart icon.png
lat=37.06435 | lon=14.22971 | zoom=15 | y
Gela harbour showing the extensive shallows

Gela is a large industrial city and commercial port situated around 30 miles NW of Marina di Ragusa and 20 miles E of Licata in Sicily. Although an important commercial harbour, Gela is subject to continual silting and considerable care is needed both on entering and maneuvering inside in view of the variable depths. Entry is only recommended in daylight and in settled conditions.


2123 - Capo Granitola to Capo Passero
917 - Da Capo Rassello ad Augusta e Isole Maltesi


The prevailing wind on the south coast of Sicily during the summer is a SW sea breeze, which rarely gets up much above force 4-5. Most of the harbours along the south coast are liable to swell in strong southerly winds which are, however, rare outside the winter months.

Sources for weather forecasts:

  • There is a continuous (computerized voice) weather forecast on VHF 68 - first in Italian and then followed with an English translation
  • The same forecast is given in Italian and English on VHF coastal stations following a notification on channel 16
  • Navtex weather forecasts are broadcast from stations at Roma, Cagliari (Sardinia) and Augusta (Sicily)


See Aegean to West Mediterranean Passages.




Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see Cruiser's Nets


The harbour is subject to silting. The best water on entry is to starboard, close to the eastern breakwater, where depths are 2.5 - 3.0 metres.


Gela is a port of entry for Italy. For details see Entrance: Italy.


Berth wherever you can find space on one of the four pontoons in the inner part of the harbour. One of the pontoons is ostensibly reserved for visitors. Depths at the pontoons are between 2.5 and 3.0 metres. Maximum length 20 metres. Shelter here is good, although there can be a swell in strong southerly winds.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs



The nearest alternative shelter is at Licata, 20 miles to the W.


Water Water on the pontoons
Electricity N/A (Not Available).
Toilets In the port
Showers In the port
Laundry ?
Garbage ?
Fuel Fuel station on the north side of the inner harbour
Bottled gas ?
Chandlers ?
Repairs Slipway. Mobile crane (45T). Engine, electrical and electronic repairs. Steel, wood and fiberglass repairs. Divers
Internet ?
Mobile connectivity ?
Vehicle rentals ?


{Green|Give the names and locations of supermarkets, grocery stores, bakeries, etc.}}

Store name1/wiki/Gela#.3Cspan_style.3D.22color:magenta_.22.3EStore_name1.3C.2Fspan.3EProvisions icon Store name1 [[Gela#Store name1|Store name1]] DD.dddDD.ddd description, location, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.

Store name2/wiki/Gela#.3Cspan_style.3D.22color:magenta_.22.3EStore_name2.3C.2Fspan.3EProvisions icon Store name2 [[Gela#Store name2|Store name2]] DD.dddDD.ddd description, location, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.

Eating out

Give the name of recommended restaurant, tavernas, pastry stores, etc.

  • Location1
Name/wiki/Gela#.27.27.3Cspan_style.3D.22color:magenta_.22.3EName.3C.2Fspan.3E.27.27Eatingout icon Name [[Gela#Name|Name]] DD.dddDD.ddd description, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
  • Location2
Name/wiki/Gela#.27.27.3Cspan_style.3D.22color:magenta_.22.3EName.3C.2Fspan.3E.27.27Eatingout icon Name [[Gela#Name|Name]] DD.dddDD.ddd description, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.


List transportation (local and/or international.)



Once an important Greek colony, Gela was largely destroyed by the Carthaginians in 405 BC and only revived in the 13th century AD under the rule of the Hohenstaufen dynasty. Gela was later the principal focus of the allied landings in Sicily in July 1943 during the operation to liberate the island from the Axis powers. More recently, the city was a hotbed of Mafia intrigue, a situation that has only begun to change in the past decade with some modest investments in the historical centre and the sea frontage.

Places to Visit

The town is ugly but has several interesting ancient archaeological sites.


Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)



See Italy.


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Date of member's last visit to Gela and this page's details validated:

  • Information compiled from web research and accounts by yachtsmen (please update if possible) --Athene of Lymington 17:59, 28 October 2010 (UTC)

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Names: Lighthouse, Athene of Lymington

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