Isole Egadi

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WorldMediterraneanItalySicilyIsole Egadi
Isole Egadi
37°57.910'N, 012°13.240'E Chart icon.png
lat=37.96517 | lon=12.22067 | zoom=10 | y
Anchorage in the Egadi Islands

The Egadi Islands (aka Aegadian Islands) consist of a group of three small, rocky islands, Isola Favignana, Isola Levanzo and Isola Marettimo, lying some 6-10 miles off the harbour of Trapani at the extreme NW corner of Sicily. They were the site of a major naval battle in 241 BC which effectively ended Carthaginian resistance during the First Punic War.

The islands are famous for the former annual tuna catch, the mattanza (massacre) when tuna migrating through the channel between the islands and Sicily were trapped in nets and butchered for the canning industry. Nets are still set off the island from 1 April to 15 July.

Latterly, however, with the decline in tuna numbers, tourism has assumed increasing importance in the population’s struggle for survival. The largest island, Isola Favignana, offers secure anchorages on both N and S sides where protection should be found in most winds.

Egadi Islands protected zones

Note: The area around the islands is a marine protected area. It is necessary to have a cruising permit for the Egadi Islands. Permits can be obtained online at Area Marina Protetta (Italian only but Google Translate works well). There have also been reports that fines of €200 have been levied for not having a cruising permit.


British Admiralty
2122 - Bizerte to Capo San Marco


See Italy - weather.


See Aegean to West Mediterranean Passages.


Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


There are no dangers in the approaches, although a current sets NE between the islands and can run at up to 1.0 knot. Most of the islands are rock-strewn around the coasts and it is wise to stay half a mile offshore unless you have a large-scale chart.



Cala Principale, Favignana

Cala Principale

Cala Principale/wiki/Isole_Egadi#Cala_Principale
Harbour icon Cala Principale [[Isole Egadi#Cala Principale|Cala Principale]] (Favignana) 37°55.825'N, 012°19.473'E

Cala Principale (as the name suggests) is the principal harbour of the islands. Open to winds from NW round to NNE. Space here is limited, especially during the season.

Anchor moor stern-to or go alongside the small L-shaped Molo Principale (or Pontile Principale) off the beach wherever there is room, avoiding the fuel berth and the reserved areas marked with yellow lines. Depths here range from 2.0 - 3.0 metres.

NB: There is a stone surbase extending from the quays just below the water level there. Also, mind stone steps extending from the landing stairs.

In season the berths inner side of the jetty and the T-shaped pontoon further inshore are managed by Circolo Nautico Favignana (phone: 09231961245). The depths at the pontoon are 1.2 m - 2.5 m. Off the season it is all occupied by small craft.

Mooring is also allowed on the Molo San Leonardo in depths of 4.0 - 5.0 metres between the hours of 1930 and 0730.
Marettimo harbour (prior to pontoon construction)

Scala Nuova, Marettimo

Scala Nuova, Marettimo/wiki/Isole_Egadi#Scala_Nuova.2C_Marettimo
Harbour icon Scala Nuova, Marettimo [[Isole Egadi#Scala Nuova, Marettimo|Scala Nuova, Marettimo]] 37°57.961'N, 012°04.523'E

Scala Nuova is a small harbour off the hamlet of Marettimo on the E side of the island. A long pontoon has been installed inside the harbour, with depths ranging from 1.5 metres at the inner end to 4.5 metres at the outer. Yachts of up to 24.0 metres can be accommodated. Water and electricity on the pontoon.

The harbour is open to winds from S round to NE.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs



In settled weather, there are a number of small coves along the coast of Favignana that are also worth exploring. Those listed are a small sample.

Cala Rossa, Favignana

Cala Rossa, Favignana/wiki/Isole_Egadi#Cala_Rossa.2C_Favignana
Anchorage icon Cala Rossa, Favignana [[Isole Egadi#Cala Rossa, Favignana|Cala Rossa, Favignana]] 37°55.4′N, 12°21.8′E
Open to wind from the N sector.

Cala Azzura, Favignana

Cala Azzura, Favignana/wiki/Isole_Egadi#Cala_Azzura.2C_Favignana
Anchorage icon Cala Azzura, Favignana [[Isole Egadi#Cala Azzura, Favignana|Cala Azzura, Favignana]] 37°54.5′N, 12°21.7′E
Nice anchorage surrounded by low cliffs with a small beach. Good holding in sand patches (5-8m) but much weed elsewhere. Open to wind from the S sector.

Punta Longa, Favingnana

Punta Longa, Favingnana/wiki/Isole_Egadi#Punta_Longa.2C_Favingnana
Anchorage icon Punta Longa, Favingnana [[Isole Egadi#Punta Longa, Favingnana|Punta Longa, Favingnana]] 37°54.95′N, 012°19.22′E
Anchor either side of the point in 5-8 metres, many sand patches and good holding, open to wind from the S sector. There are two small harbours, the more central asked for a fee to moor the dinghy. It is, however, a short walk into town from the S side of the island and well worth it. There is also a summer bus service, roughly hourly.
Cala Dogana, Levanzo

Cala Dogana, Levanzo

Cala Dogana, Levanzo/wiki/Isole_Egadi#Cala_Dogana.2C_Levanzo
Anchorage icon Cala Dogana, Levanzo [[Isole Egadi#Cala Dogana, Levanzo|Cala Dogana, Levanzo]] 37°59.20′N, 012°20.44′E
Cala Dogana is a diminutive cove off the hamlet of Levanzo on the S side of the island. Anchor east of the small breakwater in 4.0 - 5.0 metres in sand and weed, ensuring you are well clear of the ferry access on the eastern side of the bay. Smaller yachts (max 10.0 metres) may be able to find space on the end of the jetty, where depths are 2.5 - 4.5metres. Open to winds from the S sector but protected from the N, swell may get around the E end of the island.

Cala Fredda, Levanzo

Cala Fredda, Levanzo/wiki/Isole_Egadi#Cala_Fredda.2C_Levanzo
Anchorage icon Cala Fredda, Levanzo [[Isole Egadi#Cala Fredda, Levanzo|Cala Fredda, Levanzo]] 37°59.33′N, 012°20.72′E
This bay is slightly to the E of Cala Dogana. It is deep (10-12m) until close in with few obvious sand patches. It is protected from the ferry wash in Dogana, wind protection as for Cala Dogana.


Electricity On the quay Scala Nuova, Isola Marettimo
Toilets ?
Showers ?
Laundry None noted
Garbage Bins at all harbours
Fuel Station (0800 - 1930) in Cala Principale
Bottled gas ?
Chandlers None noted
Repairs Limited repairs at Cala Principale on Favignana and Scala Nuova, Isola Marettimo

Slipway and mobile crane at both. Divers.

Internet None noted
Mobile connectivity ?
Vehicle rentals Scooter and cycle hire on Isola Favignano -- there are a couple of them located at the E side of the Cala Principale


Limited provisions on Isola Favignana in Favignana town. In season this is a bustling community with at least three supermarkets.

Eating out

A good supply of trattorias in Isola Favignana. Fewer in Marettimo and Levanzo.



The main attraction of the Egadi Islands is the numerous rocky coves, many with small sandy beaches, lapped by crystal-clear waters. Away from the towns, the islands are crisscrossed by excellent walking paths (on Marettimo there are no roads at all).

  • Favignana: Old Tuna factory on the W side of the Cala Principale has now been transformed into a Museum for tuna fishing and processing - €4.00 entrance fee includes a free guided tour.
  • It is well worth paying a visit to the Palazzo Florio just at the E shore of the Cala Principale. It was the home of the owners of the tuna factory -- now among the others, a tourist office of Favignana is located there.
  • Many of the old tuff open quarries can be visited by bicycle (see below).
  • Levanzo island is famous for its Grotta del Genovese, a cave with traces of Neolithic cave paintings of animal and human figures.


Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)


  • Aegadian Islands at the Wikipedia
  • Aegadian Islands at the Wikivoyage
  • Favignana at the Wikipedia
  • For a plan of Cala Principale, Favignana check this site. On the right side of the page, there are also some links to plans of other ports in the Province of Trapani.


See Italy.


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