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37°43.981'N, 015°12.599'E Chart icon.png
lat=37.73302 | lon=15.20998 | zoom=14 | y
The marina of Porto Etna, Riposto

The harbour of Riposto on the E coast of Sicily lies 32 miles south of Messina and 16 miles north of Catania. A new marina, Porto dell’Etna, provides 370 berths for vessels up to 40 metres. Riposto is situated virtually in the shadow of Mount Etna and the marina provides a welcome addition to the ports of refuge along the east coast.


1941 - Capo Passero to Capo Colonne
1018 - Approach to Stretto Messina


Prevailing winds in the Straits during the summer are from N or NW. Southerly winds are more common in the spring and winter. In unsettled weather, the Straits can be subject to very strong gusts off the land which, combined with the strong currents, can make passage dangerous for smaller yachts. Currents at Riposto are weaker than in the Straits, although gusts will still be experienced off the high land in NW winds.

Sources for weather forecasts:

  • There is a continuous (computerized voice) weather forecast on VHF 68 - first in Italian and then followed with an English translation.
  • The same forecast is given in Italian and English on VHF coastal stations following a notification on channel 16
  • Navtex weather forecasts are broadcast from stations at Roma, Cagliari (Sardinia) and Augusta (Sicily)


See Aegean to West Mediterranean Passages.




Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


Riposto lies due east of Mount Etna, which provides an unmissable landmark when cruising along the east coast of Sicily. The harbour breakwaters will be seen from several miles off. Entrance to the harbour is from due north. The marina currently occupies the inner basin, although plans are underway to expand into the outer basin as well. Depths in the entrance are 14.0 -16.0 metres.


Marinas & Yacht Clubs

Porto dell’Etna

Porto dell’Etna/wiki/Riposto#Porto_dell.E2.80.99Etna
Berth icon Porto dell’Etna [[Riposto#Porto dell’Etna|Porto dell’Etna]] 37°43.907'N, 015°12.508'E

It has 150 m of quay berths, and 570 m of floating wharfs, with moorings available for boats from 8 to 40 metres. Berths are on floating pontoons or the quays. The marina is planned to expand. The outer wall and the breakwater were extended in 2009. New pontoons have yet to be laid however (2013). There is water and electricity on the pontoons. Toilets and showers. Fuel station on the quay. Wifi.

[email protected]; Tel: +39 (95) 779 5755; Fax: +39 (95) 779 8200; VHF channel 74
Address: Marina di Riposto, Porto dell’Etna, Via Duca del Mare, 95018 – Riposto, Italy


Taormina, seven miles to the north, provides several suitable anchorages in settled weather.


Water Water on the pontoons and quays
Electricity Electricity on the pontoons and quays
Toilets In the marina
Showers In the marina
Laundry There is a laundry. The marina office has the details
Garbage In the marina
Fuel Fuel station on the central jetty
Bottled gas ?
Chandlers There is a chandlery on the front near the supermarket
Repairs An associated yard (Cantiere Navale, telephone: +39 095 932089; fax: +39 095 7781112; e-mail: [email protected]) has a travel lift (160T) and crane (45T). Indoor and outdoor storage. Engine, electrical and electronic repairs. Wood, GRP and steel hull repairs. Sail repairs. Chandlery. It is not possible to work on your boat on your own on the dry.
Internet Yes (


Mobile connectivity ?
Vehicle rentals ?


As you come out the marina turn right. There is a good deli called Gelati on the corner. Further down the road is Pam supermarket. Up the road that has Gelati on the corner and the fish market on the other corner, is a bakery.

Eating out

There are a few very good restaurants in the center of Riposto. Give the name of recommended restaurant, tavernas, pastry stores, etc.

  • Glass
Glass/wiki/Riposto#.27.27Glass.27.27Eatingout icon Glass [[Riposto#Glass|Glass]] DD.dddDD.ddd Has a focus on wine (excellent!) and servers very good food as well. Same owners as Vico Astemio, but more of a place for a drink.
  • Vico Astemio
Vico Astemio/wiki/Riposto#.27.27Vico_Astemio.27.27Eatingout icon Vico Astemio [[Riposto#Vico Astemio|Vico Astemio]] DD.dddDD.ddd The same owners as "Glass" similar offers but a full restaurant.
  • Marricriu
Marricriu/wiki/Riposto#.27.27Marricriu.27.27Eatingout icon Marricriu [[Riposto#Marricriu|Marricriu]] DD.dddDD.ddd Good trattoria. Web:


List transportation (local and/or international.)

Things to do Ashore


The town of Riposto has several interesting churches, but the principal attraction is the looming bulk of Mount Etna 18 kilometres to the west.


  • George, who runs the mooring field off Taormina, Yacht Hotel, is helpful for all things. Off season, he lives on his boat in Marina D'Etna


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See Italy.


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