New York

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New York

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40°41.345′N, 74°02.670′W
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These are only some charts to have an idea of the area, but to navigate from Sandy Hook to Long Island Sound through the East River You need another dozen or more..

Waterway Guide. Northern. Long Island Sound & New England Waters from New Jersey to Maine. (

Tide Tables
To navigate in the inlets and in the internal USA waters it is mandatory to know the tide currents, they reach in many many cases the 4-5 knots speed and over; for a sailing yacht it is quite impossible to run against them. The WATERWAY GUIDES contains the tables of the year of the edition and each year there is a new edition but it is expensive. A cheaper source for tide and a lot of other informations is ELRIDGE TIDE AND PILOT BOOK a quick yellow book sold at about 12 US$.

Radio Nets

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The USA National Weather Service supplies a lot of meteo products for the Atlantic Ocean. It is possible to access to this products in different ways: with SSB radio, with normal internet access, with Satellitar phone ecc but the discussion of these ways is beyond the purpose of this article. Here some examples for New York Waters, to the CruisersWiki link Meteo mail a more complete discussion. The easy way to download the examples is to make a internet connection to the server with the link supplied:

Coastal waters forecast, New York Harbor: [1]

Coastal waters forecast, synopsis (text) for Long Island Waters and New York Harbor: [2]

Atlantic surface analysis chart, Part 2, 40W-95W Northern Hemisphere [3]

High seas forecast for Metarea IV, North Atlantic from 31N to 67N and West of 35W: [4]

Approach and Navigation


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Marinas & Yacht Clubs

World icon.png 40°47.17′N, 73°59.16′W Marina in Hudson River aside Central Park. West 79th Street Boat Basin with mooring buoys. The prices are cheap. In 2011 there was a public floating wharf a little south of the Marina and it was possible to anchor near the wharf (not to moore to) and landing with the tender. Pay attention that the tide and river current change direction four time a day and one anchor alone is not a good solution.



- Sandy Hook Bay is a pretty bay at 11 nautical miles from Verrazano Bridge: the inlet of New York upper bay, the bay of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Manhattan. I stay in Sandy Hook one week to wait the good weather to spot New York in a sunny day. Atlantic Highlands World icon.png 40°25.07′N, 74°01.30′W is a perfect and well sheltered free anchoring point, at the eastern end of the mooring field with the protection of the breakwater, depth 2.5 to 3 meters. The way for landing with tender is a little long but in safe waters and there is a free dinghy dock World icon.png 40°25.00′N, 74°01.80′W. In the Atlantic Highlands village there is everything one might want: provisions, transportation (high speed ferry to New York), municipal showers and restaurant. The town is within walking distance. The Sandy Hook peninsula is a State Park, there is a Visitor Center about 3.5 nautical mile South of Sandy Hook Point Light. To reach the Park, in settled weather, you can anchor in the pretty Horseshoe cove World icon.png 40°26.75′N, 73°59.95′W. Be careful because the Sandy Hook bay is very wide and the cove is not sheltered against west winds. When you move inside Sandy Hook Bay be careful to the shallows!

- To the north side of the East River sits Little Neck Bay World icon.png 40°46.919′N, 73°45.762′W. While a good place to drop the hook and wait for the currents to change or get a bit of shut eye don't plan on doing any provisioning. There's only one marina dock in this small bay and their policies and personnel are not hospitable. They will not allow dinghy tie ups nor even bump and go drop off/pick ups. The public boat ramp near by is rocky and a dangerous place to disembark a dinghy.

- While the General Anchorages 110.155 in the New York Harbor are exceptionally exposed to both the elements and commercial traffic Sheepshead Bay Anchorage/mooring field World icon.png 40°34.9′N, 73°56.5′W just east of Coney Island is a well shelterd hole to hold up in during inclimate weather or to just stop over for a night to get a bite or some groceries. The bay is packed with local moorings but there are usually a few unoccupied. The water front is host to several good restaurtants and pubs and theirs a Waldbaum's grocery just a couple of blocks to the north.

World icon.png 40°41.7′N, 74°03.8′W Free anchorage just behind the Statue of Liberty. Well sheltered small basin with local mooring buoys. In May I found free space to anchor. I don't know if in the summer there is free space. Pay attention in the entry channel wich is long and very narrow with a wall in the Nord side and the south winds push against this wall, the channel south side is totally opened and the wave also push. I have used this dock to wait the good tide to navigate the East River toward the Long Island Sound.

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Names: Danbag 09:56, 14 December 2013 (GMT)

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