Puerto Eden
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Puerto Eden
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Puerto Eden is a small fishing village on Wellington Island, in the Patagonian Channels. The country in the vicinity of Puerto Eden was home of the Kawésqar people... the northern group of the Alacaluf ( the Kawésqar called the Alaculuf to the south Tawóksers ). They lived in small scattered groups throughout the area until the 1930's at which time a seaplane base was established in the area to service the float-planes flying the mails between Puerto Montt and Punta Arenas. This led to the people coming in and setting up camp in the vicinity of the base. In 1969 the community of Puerto Eden was established to bring health care and education to the peoples of the region. At one time the town had a population of some 300 but is now below 200 and only 7 Kawésqar remain.
See Chile.
Give local weather conditions or refer to another page (a region or island group) that covers these conditions.
Sources for Weather forecasts:
- Weather forecasts for the area can be obtained from the Capitánia de Puerto
See Chile.
Puerto Eden Radio, Ch16/14.
Internet is availbale if you have an Entel Pre-paid Wingle. Failing that internet may be available at the school.
Also see Cruiser's Nets
Puerto Eden is not a port of entry/exit for Chile.
Contact 'Puerto Eden Radio' 1 hour before with your ETA.
If Puerto Eden is a named port on your Zarpe issued for your voyage through the channels it will be required stop. Depending on the attitude of that year's Capitán de Puerto you either attend the conspicuous blue roofed Armada building to the west of the town or they will come to you in the town anchorage. In 2017 I was required to go to the Armada, in 2018 the Armada came to me. 'Sweet Ruca' advises that in 2023 the Armada only required a radio check in..
There is a now a pontoon berth in front of the Armada building. Take care when coming alongside as it is unfendered and there are several rather nasty lifting eyes on the face that can do considerable damage.
The Carabineros jetty is on the western side of the bay. Short time berthing is possible on the end while taking waterl.
Marinas & Yacht Clubs
Puerto Eden Anchorage
Water, Propane, and Diesel
Water is available on the Caribineras jetty.
Fuel can be purchased from a gentleman who lives to the north of the jetty just beyond the school. It is syphoned from 200 litre plastic bidones he stores on the jetty. Price in 2018 was $CH1000 which compares favourably with the price in Puerto Montt of about $CH750 ( price in 2023 reported to be double Pto Montt price). Quality is good.
In 2023 'Sweet Ruca' advised that Don Jose has returned to Pto Eden and is once more selling diesel from his shed which is behind the guesthouse at the top of the bay. There is a dinghy dock available for loading your bidones.
Propane/LPG is not available.
Very limited supplies are available.
Eating out
- There was a (very) small restaurant by the small pier in front of the Emaza store, bookings required. The owner had retired in early 2018 and the restaurant is closed at the present time.
- The Navimag ferries call twice a week and if you are in dire need you may arrange to bring in spare parts or essential stores as cargo.
Places to Visit
- Interesting walks along the boardwalks and out towards Caleta Malacca. in late 2018 the boardwalks were all being renewed.
Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.
List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)
- Puerto Eden at the Wikipedia
- Noonsite
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Verified by
Date of member's last visit to Puerto Eden and this page's details validated:
- Frank Holden , October 2018
- Sweet Ruca 2023
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