Talk:South Peloponnese
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Revision as of 15:21, 13 July 2019 by Schrodinger Scat (Talk | contribs)
COMMENTS on South Peloponnese
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I have updated the Headings in this to conform with the latest Templates. --Istioploos 22:53, 5 March 2013 (GMT) Porto Kayio The bottom is about 6 inches of sand over solid rock. Or weeds. Absolutely poor holding. I took 1/2 hour to get the anchor to bite. Saw others take twice as long. If a wind shift to the SE-E-NE is predicted, leave. Much mahem with dragging anchors in the harbor. Eerie, wonderful surroundings. Schrodinger Scat 16:21, 13 July 2019 (BST)