CruisersWiki:Terms of Service
From CruisersWiki
The World Cruising and Sailing Wiki is a collaborative effort by cruisers from all around the world, to willingly share their knowledge of cruising around the world for the benefit of all who follow in their wake. It is in this knowledge that you agree to freely share your contributed information, without time restraint or removal for any reason, and that this information is compiled within the scope of the Creative Commons copyright license as indicated at the bottom of the Wiki's pages.
Also see: CruisersWiki Copyrights
General Terms
- The CruisersWiki World Cruising and Sailing Wiki "belongs" to all of its contributors and cruisers/sailors around the world and for this reason can never be sold for profit. Online access to this Wiki will always remain free and without restriction, (no paid "memberships", Club/Association fees, etc.).
- Contributors accept that their contributions/uploads/edits/additions are given freely for the benefit of all cruisers around the world and, without limitations.
- Contributions are subject to (sometimes merciless) editing by other contributors. The Wiki "Sysops" do however keep a close eye on the editing processes (via Recent changes in the L/H menu) and have the ability to reverse edits.
- Submissions/Contributions cannot be removed for any reason.
- No commercial links can be posted except to add value to the (detailed) contribution by the submitter. i.e. Submit the information in detail to this Wiki's pages - NOT simply give a link to a (sometimes commercial) webpage. Acceptance of any external link is at the sole discretion of a Wiki "Sysops".
- Image uploads are restricted to 700px X 700px. (Resize BEFORE uploading - (see the Help Page)
- Copyright and source details must be added to image/file uploads (in the "Summary" form).
- Details (including the contributor's username) of inappropriate or illegal file/image uploads and editing will be forwarded to law enforcement agencies.
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