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Guam has a Port of Entry
Guam is located in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, Guam is one of five American territories with an established civilian government.
Guam is the largest and southernmost island in the Mariana Islands archipelago. Guam is a territory of the United States. Guam is considered to occupy a militarily strategic location, south of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Guam is one of many islands that make up Micronesia, which politically consists of Belau (Palau), the Micronesia (FSM), Kiribati (anthropologically having affinities with Polynesia and Micronesia), the Marshall Islands, and several remote islands designated as the U.S.-administered islands of the Central Pacific. All of Micronesia has close political ties to the United States.
- Source
- Chart Number - Chart Name
- Chart Number - Chart Name
- Source
- Chart Number - Chart Name
Guam's climate is pleasantly warm year-round. The mean annual temperature is 81 degrees; generally, the range is from the low 70s to the middle 80s. The coolest and least humid months, marked by prevailing westerly tradewinds, are in December through February. Although the warmest months are from March through August, the refreshing trade winds blow steadily. The annual rainfall totals 80 to 110 inches. There are two seasons, the dry and the rainy. The dry season, "fanumnangan," begins in December through June. The rainy season, "fanuchanan," falls within the remaining months. Potentially very destructive typhoons (June - December)
- Naval Joint Typhoon Warning Center Guam
- NOAA Weather Service Tyrian
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This section does not apply for many islands, remove it if this is the case for this particular. You may, however, list ismall islands adjacent to this one or list one or two of its neighbors.
For islands that have their own page list them as shown below.
- [[Island1]]
- [[Island2]]
Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.
Also see World Cruiser's Nets
The procedure required for entering Apra Harbour in which the MYC is located is to call US Coast Guard on VHF 16, advise of your arrival ETA preferably 12/24 hours before, then contact Port Control on VHF 13 advise of your intention to enter and await permission to proceed to the club. This is principally required because the course through the harbor is amongst various navy anchorages and defense training areas. A U.S. Coast Guard vessel will probably shadow you into the anchorage.
Also see Apra Harbour.
ARRIVAL: Proceed to the anchorage directly opposite the Marianas Yacht Club (Apra Harbour). No less than three members of the club (two board members) waded out to help us beach. They will advise the authorities who will come to you. DEPARTURE: Proceed to the Apra Harbour Complex where Immigration and Customs will issue your exit documents.
Immigration and Customs
Visiting yachts are required to clear Guam customs and immigration at Apra Harbour. Note that Guam is an unincorporated territory of the United States subject to U.S. Federal Customs and Immigration. DETAILS
IMPORTANT NOTE: Any non-US citizen visiting Guam MUST have secured a visa prior to entering. Normal conditions do not apply in this territory.
Immigration, 671-472-7265
Customs, 671-472-8426
For entrance details see United States.
Submit any health warnings/information and any security details here.
Not a problem.
Guam has four main areas for yachts to stop whilst there - the MYC, the Agana Marina, the Agat Marina and the harbor of refuge. Both the Agana and the Agat Marinas have no space for a cruising yacht. Agat in particular we would consider unsafe anyhow should a typhoon come Guam’s way.
The harbor of refuge is a facility owned by the government of Guam for the use of vessels in times of typhoons … and it pays to remember this island is the gate to Typhoon Alley.
The special harbor has space for about thirty vessels arranged in a grid. On the sea floor are situated large concrete blocks with rebar hoops to which one can shackle ropes to hold the vessel in position.
During our stay typhoon Kong Rey caused a flurry as the island went on the alert. We were assisted to the harbor by club members Chris and Cindy Bell. Through the club’s facilities we were able to borrow eight sets of shackles and thimbles with which to make Shadow of Lorelei secure. The typhoon fizzled.
Behind the harbor of refuge is a ‘marina’ facility run by the port a where occasionally a space might become available. This is basically a shallow area where you can tie to the shore and a buoy aft, but provides no water or electricity. (Contact Bree at the port administration 671-688-6488)
- Apra Harbour (Port of entry)
- Hagatna
Marinas & Yacht Clubs
See Apra Harbour.
List anchorages including the ones of nearby islands list under "Islands" above. If there is more then 1-3 paragraphs for a given anchorage, create a dedicated page for it (Port/Stop Template). Remove this section if not applicable.
- [[large Anchorage1]]
- [[large Anchorage1]]
Give details on water for any ports that provides it. If there are no water outlets just enter "None".
If you have the GPS coordinates of a water outlet. Please provide them along with any applicable telephone numbers etc. If you do not have the GPS coordinates, remove the "|lat=" & "|lon=" entries,
Port1 [[Guam#Port1|Port1]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd water outlet location etc, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
Port2 [[Guam#Port2|Port2]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd water outlet location etc, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
Give details on electricity outlets for any ports that provides them. If there are no electricity outlets enter "N/A (Not Available)".
If you have the GPS coordinates of the electricity outlet area. Please provide them along with any applicable telephone numbers etc. If you do not have the GPS coordinates, remove the "|lat=" & "|lon=" entries,
Port1 [[Guam#Port1|Port1]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd electricity outlet location etc, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
Port2 [[Guam#Port2|Port2]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd electricity outlet location etc, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
Give details on water for any ports or nearby stations that provides it. If there are no fuel pumps in the island just enter "None".
If you have the GPS coordinates of a fuel station. Please provide them along with any applicable telephone numbers etc. If you do not have the GPS coordinates, remove the "|lat=" & "|lon=" entries,
Station1 [[Guam#Station1|Station1]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd fuel station location etc, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
Station2 [[Guam#Station2|Station2]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd fuel station location etc, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
Cooking gas
Give details on cooking gas (Camping Gaz, butane, propane, etc) suppliers. If there are no suppliers in the island just enter "None".
Suplier1 [[Guam#Suplier1|Suplier1]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd gas supplier location etc, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
Suplier2 [[Guam#Suplier2|Suplier2]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd gas supplier location etc, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
The only chandlery of note is Coral Reef Marine Center (P.O. Box 9129 Tamuning, Guam 96931 Bus: 671 646 4895, Bus Fax: 671 649 5209, E-mail: [email protected]) They mainly cater to fishing boats and the various tourist vessels that operate here but they can arrange for goods through Port Authority as an agent.
There are a few facilities for the transiting yacht, but they are limited. For canvas and sail repair work contact Jayne Thomson at DoAll (P.O. Box 27329 GMF, Guam 96921 Tel: 671 477 1458 Mobile: 671 688 2365 E-mail: [email protected]). Stainless and aluminum welding can be done through Miguel on Mobile: 671 6871388.
A haulout can be arranged but it will be by crane. Generally the hard standing area will be at the Agana Marina as all other areas do not have space (contact Waterline Down, Barney Hall, Business 671-477-1967, Mobile: 671-689-2678). Barney will make all the arrangements including struts or cradles. He can provide a water lance and can do antifouling and fiberglass repairs.
Some joinery, electrical and other services are available through Chris Bell (Mobile 671-482-2785).
Are any internet or WiFi connections available in the island? If so where?
Mobile connectivity
Is there mobile telephone signal such as G4, G3, GPRS in the island? How strong is the signal? Are there any blind spots?
Vehicle Rentals
Are cars, motorbikes, and bicycles available for rent? If so give the name, location, tel number of the rental outlets.
Rental establishment [[Guam#Rental establishment|Rental establishment]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd description, location, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX, Email: [email protected].
Guam is expensive in some supermarket items but cheap in others. All in all it is a good location for those wishing to provision with Western goods prior to continuing on to Japan or the Philippines. We found the PayLess supermarket chain (various locations) and the California Mart (at the GPO complex) to be the best priced and freshest produce.
For retired defense force or government personnel, base rights might be granted at the Polaris Point Navy Base or Andersen Air Force Base where there are well stocked PXs. We did not qualify for entry so the information is from locals.
- Direct flights to the US mainland, Asia and Oceania are available from the international airport.
Eating out
Give the name of recommended restaurant, tavernas, pastry stores, etc.)
- Location1
Name [[Guam#Name|Name]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd description, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
- Location2
Name [[Guam#Name|Name]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd description, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
Guam is an island in the western South Pacific Ocean, about three-quarters of the way from Hawaii to the Philippines. Archaeological evidence indicates that the island was inhabited as early as 4,000 years ago, settled by people of Indo-Malayan descent. The first people on Guam braved the vast waters of the Pacific Ocean in relatively small canoes, eventually settling throughout the Mariana Islands.
Places to Visit
List places of interest, tours, etc.
Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.
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Books, Guides, etc. Use the Reference template or not at your discretion. For example:
Rod Heikel, Greek Waters Pilot, Imray Laurie and Wilson, Cambridgeshire, ISBN 9780852889718
, expands to - Rod Heikell, Greek Waters Pilot Imray, Laurie and Wilson, Cambridgeshire, ISBN 9780852889718
- Author, Title, Publisher, ISBN ISBN number
- Author, Title, Publisher, ISBN ISBN number
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- Anyone who doesn’t have all their charts for the areas surrounding Guam, the MYC has a treasure trove of charts many of which are doubles and may be accessed with permission.
- On the fun side of things there’s lots do here, culturally and physically. Diving, snorkeling, water sports, skydiving, nature walks, rugged or serene beaches, coral lagoons, World War II memorial sites, dining, several movie theatre complexes, good bookstores and so on. On Wednesday nights the Chamorro people, original inhabitants of the island, put on a fiesta and market at the Chamorro Village, with a wide choice of food stalls, local artifacts and general paraphernalia topped off by a dance performance by the local youth groups. Worth a visit.
- For those who require internet facilities there’s the G3 group with outlets at the Agana Shopping Centre and Micronesia Mall, free wifi at several coffee shops in Agana, Tumon and Tamuning, wifi in the lobby of most of the upscale hotels. At times the members of MYC might help out by allowing one to use their home facilities.
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Names: Shadowoflorelei |