User talk:Jackdale
From CruisersWiki
Welcome to CruisersWiki!
We all look forward to your valued contributions to the Cruising Wiki. Help it grow as a useful, free resource for all cruisers around the world.
Spend a little time reading the help pages (link in L/H menu) to gain a better understanding of the Wiki formatting and how to edit articles. Please add what you can - even correcting grammar and spelling errors in articles is a great help. The more you use the Wiki the easier (and more addictive) it becomes.
Also, please read the Cruiserswiki Copyrights notice, as well as the General Disclaimers (links at bottom of pages).
Again, welcome and have fun! Bring out that hidden "Cruising Guide writer" in you. Lighthouse 21:06, 23 May 2011 (BST)