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Guatemala Cruising Guide

An online cruising guide for yachts sailing to Guatemala.

Map - click for larger view
Capital: Guatemala City
World icon.png 14°38′N, 90°30′W
Language: Spanish
Currency: Quetzal (GTQ)
Timezone: UTC-6
More notes about the country
Small info.png Latest News
May 2009

From Daphne Becker - Tortugal Marina:

Good news for cruisers!

The Guatemallan Navy/Coast Guard is patrolling Rio Dulce in the area where most vessels are concentrated, which includes the following marinas: Tortugal, Tijax, Mario's Monkey Bay, Mar Marine, Nana Juana, Catamaran, Bruno's.

This 24 hour patrol began in October, 2008 and no further incidents have been reported within the patrolled area.

For the time being, it is best to plan to check into Livingston early in the morning and proceed up-river to anchor or pick up a mooring near one of the marinas mentioned above.

The organization of hotel and marina owners hopes that the government of Guatemala will extend this very successful program to other areas in Rio Dulce, such as the Canyon, Rio Tatin, and Livingston.


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Cruising the region

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Climate & Weather

Submit the climate & general weather details.

Sources of weather forecasting:

Charts and Navigation


Submit details of the charts required for safe navigation of the area.

Special Navigation Notes

Any navigation notes here.

Local Radio Nets

Also see Cruiser's Nets

  • Rio Dulce - A boater's "round-table" net is conducted each morning at 7:30 AM on VHF 69. The net first handles any priority traffic, a mail call, services offered or needed, buy, sell or trade, along with some "commercial" announcements.

Arrival/Departure procedures

On arrival, vessels will be visited by Customs, Immigration, Local Police, Health and the Port Captain.

The Customs officer will attach a sticker (special permit) on the yacht on your arrival at the first port of entry. This must always be prominently displayed on the vessel until your departure from the region.

Procedure on departure: A zarpe (clearance) must be obtained from the Immigration officer and this must be signed by the Port Captain. Ensure that passports have exit stamps from Immigration.

Immigration, Visas & Customs


Prior visas are not necessary by nationals of the E.U., Andorra, Argentina, Belize, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Israel, Japan, Liechtenstein, Nicaragua, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and Uruguay.

Passports must have a validity of at least six months. Prior visas are not required for citizens of most countries - a tourist visa card is purchased on entry. This CA-4 visa applies to:- Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The length of stay is normally 90 days and applies to the whole group. Only one extension will be granted. To remain in the region longer, a visit to a country outside the CA-4 area must be made and a new visa is issued on re-entry.


  • Firearms, ammunition and pets MUST be declared on arrival. Firearms and ammunition will be held in custody by the police or the Port Captain until your departure from the port.
  • Pets require a recent veterinary health certificate and valid proof of an anti-rabies vaccination.
  • A cruising yacht is granted a 90 day stay on arrival and a 9 month extension can be arranged. After the first year it is possible to obtain another 12 month extension.


Amoebic Dysentery is a major problem in the country. Malaria prophylaxis should be taken.



Ports & Popular Stops

Caribbean Coast

Pacific Coast

Offshore Islands


Passages/Routes To/From Guatemala

Florida to Guatemala Passage

Describe the passage/route/stop-overs/timing, etc.

Cruiser's Friends

Submit details/contacts of cruiser's "friends" that can be contacted in advance or on arrival - who can offer information and assistance to our cruising "family".

References & Publications

Books, Guides, etc.

Links to Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External links

Submit useful website links for the region

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?


SailorSmiley.gifContributors to this page

Names: Lighthouse, Haiqu

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