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Tumaco Port of Entry
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Tumaco is a port city and municipality in the Nariño Department, Colombia, by the Pacific Ocean. It is located on the southwestern corner of Colombia, near the border with Ecuador, and enjoys of hot tropical climate. Tumaco is inhabited, 203,971 people, mainly by Afro-Colombians and some indigenous people.
See Colombia.
Give local weather conditions or refer to another page (a region or island group) that covers these conditions.
Sources for Weather forecasts:
See Colombia.
Isla del Morro [[Tumaco#Isla del Morro|Isla del Morro]] 01°49.007'N, 078°44.511'W
Note: When you reach Contact point [[Tumaco#Contact point|Contact point]] 01°51.8′N, 78°46.15′W hail Guardacosta on VHF channel 16. Do not proceed until they give you clearance and instructions for anchoring.
Also see Cruiser's Nets
The channel approaching the anchorage is well marked by buoys. Caution: It is very shallow outside the channel.
Tumaco is a port of entry/exit for Colombia. For details see Entrance: Colombia.
The port is the second most important Pacific port behind Buenaventura but ides not receive yachts.
Marinas & Yacht Clubs
Isla del Morro Anchorage
Give the names and locations of supermarkets, grocery stores, bakeries, etc.
Store name1 [[Tumaco#Store name1|Store name1]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd description, location, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
Eating out
Give the name of recommended restaurants, tavernas, pastry stores, etc.
- Location1
- Name [[Tumaco#Name|Name]] DD.ddd, DD.ddd description, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.
- La Florida Airport serves Tumaco with flights from Cali
Give a short history of the port.
Places to Visit
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Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.
List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)
See Colombia.
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Verified by
Date of member's last visit to Tumaco and this page's details validated:
- Compiled from research (pilot books, internet, etc.) December, 2018 --Istioploos Travels with S/Y Thetis
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Names: Istioploos |