Help:Embeddable templates

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This is a draft. Don't use it in production!

There are 2 kind of templates in this wiki and one should not be mistaken for another:

  • An article template (or Page template) is essentially an article's stub or a boilerplate. To create a new article a user simply copies it's wiki text and pastes it into a new empty article page.
  • A MediaWiki template on the other hand generally used to bring a smaller sniplet of mediawiki markup into an article page. They could be seen as a sort of shortcuts introduced into a wiki to implement some common pattern to avoid excessive typing and errors and to implement some common style.

In this sense a MediaWiki template can be seen as a stencil for some article's feature while an article template is more like a foundation for a whole article.

Similar to an article template a source text for MediaWiki template is stored in a wiki page prefixed with "Template:". The difference with a normal wiki page (or an article template) and MediaWiki template is that the later kind of a template is designed to be embedded (or transcluded]) into another page.

Using templates

In the text below MediaWiki templates will be called simply templates.

Suppose you have a Template:Hello

Hello world!

Then this text can be embedded into another page with this construct:


An expanded text of a template could be modified with template parameters. Imagine some other template could be called:


And give:

Good morning Earth!

Or even like this:

{{go | destination=Universe}}

Could give:

Our destination is Universe
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