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Samal (The Island Garden City of Samal)

The Island Garden City of Samal
A secluded beach on Samal Island, Philippines
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The Island Garden City of Samal is an island located in the Davao Gulf. The western coast facing the mainland is lined with resorts and hotels due to its nice beige-white sandy beaches. Here, village life is still enjoyed. It is tranquil and peaceful. However, should the need arise, city life, theaters, supermarkets and shopping malls are only a 5 minute ferry ride away

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Local Weather

See Davao


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Radio Nets

Also see Cruiser's Nets

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Approach and Navigation


Check-in facilities

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Ports and Popular Stops

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

  • Construction is underway for a new Marina in the Island Garden City of Samal (7°11.94N, 125°42.74E). It is located in the very northern tip of the Island as part of a real estate development including a subdivision, condominiums, a resort hotel and spa facilities. The marina has a capacity of 108 yachts ranging from 9.76 meters to 20 meters long. It will be complete with water and power connections, showers, laundry area, a pump-out station and a convenience store. The plan also includes a one-stop check-in and out facility with Port and immigration officials within the marina. The target finish date for the marina is late 2008 or early 2009. Visit their Website for updates.

    In conjunction with the marina, construction of a slipway and boatyard is in progress (7°07.25N, 125°40.36E). This will be the only slipway in the gulf and is capable of hauling out up to 250 ton vessels. The slipway is almost finished, but the boatyard will not be ready until the 3rd quarter of 2008. Construction of cradles for yachts will start immediately as soon as the slipway is finished. (Info supplied by Ellen Lee-Kwen, SV Wiskun)


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Routes/Passages To/From

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Tourism & things to do ashore

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Fuel, Water, & Electricity


Grocery & Supply Stores


Motorbike & Car Rentals

Marine Stores & Repair Facilities

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Transportation to mainland or other countries, etc.

  • Island City Express Bus - Only bus to the mainland
  • Car Ferry - from Sasa Wharf in Davao City (11 km from city proper) to the Kinawitnon Wharf in Samal
  • Passenger Ferries - About 45 minutes boat ride from Santa Ana Wharf of Davao City to Kaputian in Samal - also from Sasa on the mainland to Babak district in Samal

References & Publications

Publications, Guides, etc.

Cruiser's Friends

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Forum Discussions

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External Links

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