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Curaçao Cruising Guide

An online cruising guide for yachts sailing to Curaçao.

Capital: Willemstad
World icon.png 12°7′N, 68°56′E
Language: Papiamentu, Dutch
Currency: Netherlands Antillean Guilder (ANG)
Timezone: UTC-4
More notes about the country
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Cruising the region

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Climate & Weather

Submit the climate & general weather details here.

Sources of weather forecasting here.



Approaches and Navigation

Any navigation notes here.

Local Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets

Arrival/Departure procedures


Two arrival choices:

1. Spanish Waters. Follow the chart in and wind your way up the channel. Many places to anchor once you are inside - somewhat like a mini Sydney Harbour. Limiting depth is about 3 m.

2. Willemstad. No real limits in terms of draft nor mast height. This harbour is used by cruise ships, tankers and container ships. If the bridge is blocking the entry, radio Harbour Control on VHF 12 and request a bridge opening. This will typically take about 10 or 20 minutes. Once the bridge opens, head directly in to the east, under the vehicular bridge and then hang a right followed by another right. This will bring you into a small inlet which contains Navy, Coast Guard and Curacao Marine. Anchor in front of Curacao Marine or tie up in their small marina.

The first alternative has more yachtie social life but is relatively isolated from everything. The second choice is closer to town but you will need to go in your dinghy or walk about 2 km.



Customs and Immigration


Located on the north side of the Willemstad inlet (Outra Banda) about 100 m to the east of the huge vehicular bridge. They close at 21:30. Zero charges for standard entry and departure.


Located on the south side of the Willemstad inlet in the picturesque historical centre of PUNDA is a 4-storey Customs building with a huge sign saying "Douane". They close at 21:00. Look up for the sign, not ahead! It is basically on a street corner and also on a corner between the Willemstad inlet and a north-south canal that bisects the main inlet. You can tie up for free outside the Customs office. This is an excellent place to moor due to the shoreside bars and restaurants located right there. Just try to arrive late (about sunset or a littel before) so you have an excuse to tie up there for the night. Do your Customs paperwork 30 m away and then walk over the floating bridge to do Immigration. Depart late also so you can tie up there and do the European promenade before you leave.

Fees and Charges

Immigration - ZERO.

Customs - ZERO.

Internet in Spanish Waters - US$10 per week.

Extended stay for your boat (entrepot) while you leave the country - US$50 when processed by Curacao Marine. Termination of entrepot status - US$15 when processed by Curacao Marine.

Curacao Marine charge for showers, internet, dinghy dock, etc while you are anchored next to them - US$4 per day. Curacao Marine cost in their marina - US$0.40 per foot per day. Plus electricity, plus water, plus $10 key deposit, plus...

Anchoring cost in Spanish Waters - ZERO.

Beer on Punda waterfront - US$4 to US$6.


Ports & Popular Stops

Offshore Islands


Submit any health warnings/information.




Transportation - mainland or to other countries, etc.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

References & Publications

Books, Guides, etc.

Personal Notes

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SailorSmiley.gifContributors to this page

Names: Haiqu

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