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WorldMediterraneanItalyTyrrhenian CoastAnzio
Port of Entry
41°26.722'N, 012°38.185'E Chart icon.png
lat=41.44536 | lon=12.63642 | zoom=14 | y
Anzio harbour

The harbour of Anzio lies 26 miles SE of Fiumicino and two miles W of Marina di Nettuno on the Tyrrhenian coast of Italy. Anzio’s small harbour is subject to regular silting and there is very little space for visiting yachts. When full or with strong onshore winds, Marina di Nettuno two miles E is a better alternative.


British Admiralty


Winds along the Tyrrhenian Coast of Italy are generally light in the summer months. The most notable feature is a SW sea breeze that kicks in late morning and blows at little more than Force 2 - 4 until the evening. Thundery conditions are not infrequent during early Spring and Autumn, and associated winds can sometimes reach gale force and kick up a substantial sea. In winter, gales can blow from both NW and S and entry to and exit from many of the harbours along the coast can become hazardous.

Sources for weather information:

  • There is a continuous (computerized voice) weather forecast on VHF 68 - first in Italian and then followed with an English translation
  • The same forecast is given in Italian and English on VHF coastal stations following a notification on channel 16
  • Navtex weather forecasts are broadcast from stations at La Garde (Toulon), Roma and Cagliari (Sardinia)


See Mediterranean.



Add here VHF channel for the coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


The harbour of Anzio lies on the eastern side of the headland of Capo d’Anzio. A light structure on the headland and the tower of the cathedral are conspicuous on the approach. The outer breakwater of the harbour will be visible on rounding Capo d’Anzio from W. The headland should be given a clearance of at least half a mile to avoid the sunken remains of the ancient Roman harbour and an offshore wreck just W of it. The harbour should be entered along the line of the breakwater, where depths are usually around 4.5 - 6.0 metres (although silting frequently reduces this).


Anzio is a port of entry for Italy. For details see Entrance: Italy.


Anzio Harbour

Anzio Harbour/wiki/Anzio#Anzio_Harbour
Harbour icon Anzio Harbour [[Anzio#Anzio Harbour|Anzio Harbour]] 41°26.772'N, 012°37.952'E
Port of Entry

Yachts normally berth (if there is space) on the quays in the inner harbour, where there are depths of 2.5 - 3.0 metres. There are ostensibly 10 spaces here for yachts in transit (maximum stay 48 hours). Anchor moor back to the quay or go alongside wherever there is space.

In the fall of 2015 there are no spaces available. At present in very bad southerlies, we were put on the wall just inside the harbor. This spot is not tenable in high south winds. This morning, after a sleepless night watching lines be frayed through by the wall, by the kindness of the Coast Guard, we are rafted up with commercial fishing boat in the northwest corner. Nettuno marina was full. --Dapaz1

Marinas & Yacht Clubs


In settled weather only, anchor off the beach to the E of the harbour in 4.0 - 5.0 metres. The anchorage is unsuitable with even moderate winds in view of the swell.


Water Water on the quay
Electricity ?
Toilets ?
Showers ?
Laundry ?
Garbage Bins near the harbour
Fuel Fuel station on the quay in the inner basin
Bottled gas ?
Chandlers ?
Repairs Slipway (up to 300 T). Cranes. Hardstanding. Basic engine, electrical and electronic repairs. Divers.
Internet ?
Mobile connectivity ?
Vehicle rentals ?


  • Supermarket close to the harbour
  • Good provisions shops in the town

Eating out

Good restaurants around the harbour and in the town.


Buses and trains to Rome.



Anzio, formerly the Roman town of Antium, it was a popular retreat for the Roman emperors, several of whom built opulent villas here. Nero constructed one of the most palatial of these villas around 60AD and also ordered the construction of a harbour, the remains of which are visible today to the W of the modern harbour. Anzio was also the site of a famous amphibious landing and battle during World War II, which eventually resulted in the capture of Rome from Nazi forces.

Places to Visit

The town of Anzio was more or less flattened during World War II and little of its historical architecture remains. The vestiges of the ancient harbour built during Nero’s reign are still visible off Capo D’Anzio. For history buffs, the countryside around Anzio and Nettuno is steeped in memories, not least in the British and American war cemeteries to the N and E of the town.

The ancient Roman harbour of Anzio


Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)



See Italy.


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